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Tour Carillon


The tourcarillon is a unique mobile carillon, that can be used for all kinds of projects. It’s designed so that it can be used both indoors and outdoors.

The instrument consists of 4 modules with 42 bells in total, which means almost 1300 kilos of bell bronze.

The carillon finds itself on a trailer which at the same time serves as a stage. For outdoor concerts the carillon is ready in five minutes.

The instrument can also be driven off the trailer and placed on a larger stage and driven inside.

The 4 modules can pass a broad doorway. It takes 1,5 hour to build it.

The carillon is a realisation of the Fonderia Allanconi from Italy.



  • 3.5 octaves, 44 bells, chromatically from g2 up to and including d6

  • Keyboard according to European standards, provided for carillon from c2 and with pedal from c2 to a3.

  • Total weight: approximately 2400 kilos.

  • Dimensions: 3m60 (length) – 1m80 (width) – 1m80 (height)

  • Design: Jan Verheyen/Emanuele Allanconi ( the idea of the form  of the semi lying bell was conceived during a  first brainstorming evening in Emanuele’s cosy living room in the fall of 2017.)

  • The tour carillon is the second mobile carillon the bell- foundry Allanconi made. They have already founded a smaller instrument of 25 bells before .

  • The bells were made according to the unique profile of the bell- foundry Allanconi.

  • Bells and technical design: Fonderia Allanconi

  • The carillon can be dismantled and transported in 4 modules. Each bell module weighs approximately 600 to 700 kilos.

  • The carillon can also be assembled with only 2 octaves or 27 bells by assembling only the keyboard with the module of the smallest bells. From here the carillon can be expanded to a 3 octave instrument by coupling the module of the following octave (12 bells). Finally the complete carillon can be set up by attaching the module with the 5 biggest bells.

  • The bigger bells have a border decoration, based on the logo of Bells Lab. The logo reflects the profile of a bell. For the border decoration we reversed the logo and put it next to the actual logo. Thus a wavy line is created between which the bells are visible.

  • The 5 biggest bells refer to the family Verheyen-Daenen.

  • The biggest bell carries the name of the parents with their date of marriage: ‘Verheyen-Daenen Jan and Kathelijn, 26/10/2002’

  • The 4 following bells carry the names of their children with their date of birth:

  • Lies, 13/09/2004

  • Daan, 31/07/2006

  • Tuur, 19/04/20012

  • Roos, 08/02/2014

  • On the biggest bell there is a quotation by Edward W. Bok, who founded the resort Bok Tower Gardens in Lake Wales (Florida, USA): ‘Make you the world a bit better or more beautiful, because you have lived in it.’

  • Very special about the design of the carillon is the fact that the bells are clearly visible. The supporting frame is concealed on the inside.

  • Another special detail are the wire adjusters above the keyboard. They have the form of a bell designed by the bell-foundry Allanconi.



The bell-foundry Allanconi from Bolzone in the north of Italy (province of Cremona) has a rich tradition. Manager Emanuele Allanconi is a passionate bell-founder. His grandfather took over the historical foundry of Crespi. The history of this foundry goes back to the year 1498.

The bells are still founded in the original traditional way, for which only natural and recyclable materials are used such as clay, horsehair etc. In this way they safeguard the knowledge and the craftsmanship that was passed on from generation to generation for the future.

They combine this tradition with modern technology, e.g. laser technology to control the quality. A bell is a complicated source of sound, but with the modern technical means it is possible to ‘see’ the sound and so all gradations of the sound can be optimized.

The Allanconi bells distinguish themselves by their unique, warm and round sound. Anywhere in the world you can hear their bells. They are also specialised in restoring bells and realising replicas of historic bells.


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