Bells Lab Electro-Acoustic
The combination of carillon and electronic backing tracks open up a new world of sound.
Location: indoor - outdoor. Duration: negotiable Tower carillon - tour carillon style: pop
Carillon different
Carillon like you've never heard it before, that's our electro-acoustic set. The electronic backing tracks were carefully created by our professionals and tested in the lab. Carillon melodies were mixed in. The result can now be heard on the concert stages or online.
This unique combination gives an extra layer to a concert with the tour carillon, but also works excellent from a tower. People suddenly hear something completely different from the tower. It catches the attention and they will be surprised by this unique sound over the city.
What the audience says
"Everything you wouldn't expect from a carillon. That's Bells Lab."
Tom Schutters
"Super cool!! Never thought a carillon could sound like this."
Seppe Timmers