Open window concerts
At a time that not much is allowed to happen in the cultural field and the healthcare sector finds itself under severe pressure music brings comfort and diversion. The bells of the tour carillon therefore sing solo or together with vocalist Kim Versteynen or KatrienSmets. In December we will play from a rich Christmas repertoire. During the rest of the year we play belgian music: Belpop. Or: Bells pop !
With the tour carillon we will tour along residential care centres in different Flemish villages and towns to give corona- proof concerts. We park ourselves in front of the centre, make everything ready and play. The residents can listen from their own rooms by putting their windows ajar.
We schedule two or three concerts a day at different residential care centres of a village or town. A concert takes about half an hour to three quarters of an hour. In this way Bells Lab wants to connect and support the healthcare sector.
Jan Verheyen plays the tour carillon and accompanies vocalist Kim Verstyenen or Katrien Smets. Video and audio recordings will follow.
Contact us for more information and/or bookings.

In the media

Verslag van open raam-concerten in Balen op dinsdag 29 december op rtv.

Verslag van open raam-concerten in Balen op dinsdag 29 december 2020 op Balen tv

Artikel over open raam-concerten in Balen op dinsdag 29 december 2020

Verslag van open raam-concerten op zondag 20 december in Ranst op atv

Artikel over open raam-concerten in Pelt op dinsdag 22 december 2020 in weekblad HAC

Verslag van open raam-concerten in Lommel op maandag 14 december 2020 op Kanaal Noord

Artikel over open raam-concerten op maandag 14 december in Het Belang van Limburg

Artikel over open raam-concerten in Neerpelt op dinsdag 22 december 2020 op Internetgazet

Artikel over open raam-concerten in Lommel op maandag 14 december 2020 op vrt.nws en interview op Radio 2

Verslag over open raam-concerten in Tienen van 7-11 december op ROB-tv
Bells Lab creates innovative projects with bells and carillon. We play from towers but also bring the carillon to the public, because we have an own mobile carillon at our disposal: the tourcarillon.
Bells Lab is an open experiment, a “laboratory” as an invitation to crossing styles, disciplines, cultures between past and future.
Bells Lab creates projects, but is also an open call for musicians, artists, organisations... who want to join to be creativ with bells.
Bells Lab is the brainchild of carillonneur/performer/bell-artist Jan Verheyen, who accounts for playing the bells in all projects.

The voice of vocalist Kim Versteynen from Hasselt is as flexible as are her curls. She knows how to touch the public with her warm timbre, makes every song her own by her creative approach and possesses the unique talent to be able to select and write a repertoire that touches everyone. Meanwhile Kim is an important vocal member of the Belgian jazzworld and in Limburg people always know where to find her as singing teacher (in the academies of Hasselt and Genk and the KSO-education Musart in Hasselt and on a private basis)
She graduated as a Master in the Art Sciences at the UGent in 2007 and as a Master in Music at the Academy of Music of Maastricht in 2013. The duo Kim Versteynen and Tim Finoulst already won the ‘Concours Des Jeunes Talents’ at the Leffe Jazz Nights in Dinant in 2013. With her quartet ‘Kim in the Middle’ she constantly pushes the limits of her musical abilities. Before the coronacrisis the group finished a successful tour with their third album ‘ the 7Year Itch’. Together with her partner-in-crime Arne Van Coillie she forms a much appreciated duo and she puts Hasselt on the jazz scene with her non-profit organisation The Mood (jazz pub-crawling, live concerts, jazz advice…) Moreover she accepts challenges in diverse music and theatre projects (Hepcats, Manoesh, Gershwin: classical meets jazz,…) and freelance assignments.